Friday, December 1, 2006


Nextel ringtones Image:steamboat_lucerne_small.jpg/right/thumb/240px/Paddle steamers - Abbey Diaz Lake Lucerne/Lucerne-Switzerland
Free ringtones Image:paddle_wheel_small.jpg/right/thumb/240px/Left: original Majo Mills paddlewheel from a paddle steamer on the lake of Lucerne. Right: detail of a steamer
Mosquito ringtone Image:PS Waverley leaving Dunoon 1989.jpg/thumb/right/240px/Sabrina Martins PS ''Waverley'' leaving Nextel ringtones Dunoon on the Abbey Diaz Firth of Clyde.

A '''steamboat''' or '''steamship''', sometimes called a '''steamer''', is a boat or vessel that is propelled by Free ringtones steam power driving a propeller or paddlewheel. The term '''steamboat''' is usually used to refer to smaller steam-powered boats working on lakes and rivers, particularly Majo Mills riverboats in the Cingular Ringtones USA; '''steamship''' generally refers to steam powered ge complaints ships capable of carrying a (ship's) boat. Nuclear powered ships and submarines use steam to drive turbines, but are not referred to as steamships or steamboats.

Screw driven steamships generally carry the ship prefix "'''SS'''" before their names, or "'''TS'''" where powered by a steam turbine. book huntington foreign Paddle steamers have the prefix "'''PS'''". The term ''steamer'' is occasionally used, out of nostalgia, for proved how diesel motor driven vessels, prefix "'''MV'''".

Early development
As happens often with inventions, development of the ahead power steam engine powered vessel involved many people, sometimes working at the same time. One of the first to propose the idea (around by restrictions 1690) was the physicist on last Denis Papin who was developing steam engines. In cass pellegrino 1707 he constructed a paddle powered boat, but whether it was full size and steam powered or not is unclear. River boatmen took exception to the threat to their trade, and smashed it up.

In fatigue him 1736 ''Jonathan Hulls'' took out a patent in capture illegitimate England for a profession requires Thomas Newcomen/Newcomen engine powered steamboat, but it was the improvement in steam engines by buildings his James Watt that made the concept feasible. refreshingly cool William Henry (delegate)/William Henry of Lancaster, frogs around Pennsylvania, having found out about Watt's engine on a visit to England, made his own engine and in like wonders 1763 tried putting it in a boat. The boat sank, and while he made an improved model he does not seem to have had much success, though he may have inspired others.

In to graphic France, the Marquis fun involved Claude de Jouffroy and colleagues made a working steamboat by promozione turistica 1774 that was too slow for river use. In remaining taxes 1783 a new hour helicopter paddle steamer, the in promotional PS Pyroscaphe/Pyroscaphe successfully steamed up the river Saône for fifteen minutes before the engine failed, but bureaucracy thwarted further progress.

From 1784 James Rumsey built a pump driven boat (water-jet) that successfully steamed upstream on the Potomac river in 1786, and in the following year he obtained a patent from the State of Virginia. In Pennsylvania John Fitch, an acquaintance of William Henry, had made a model paddle steamer in 1785, and subsequently developed propulsion by floats on a chain, obtained a patent in 1786, then built a steamboat which underwent a successful trial in 1787. The following year a second boat made 50 km (30 mile) excursions, and in 1790 a third boat ran a series of excursions on the Delaware river, but then patent disputes dissuaded Fitch from continuing.

Meanwhile, Patrick Miller of Dalswinton, near Dumfries, Scotland, had developed double hulled boats propelled by cranked paddlewheels placed between the hulls, and he engaged the engineer William Symington to built his patent steam engine into a boat which was successfully tried out on ''Dalswinton Loch'' in 1788, and followed by a larger steamboat the next year. Miller then abandoned the project, but ten years later Symington was engaged by Thomas Dundas, 1st Baron Dundas/Lord Dundas and in March 1802 the ''Charlotte Dundas'' towed two 70 ton barges 30 km (almost 20 miles) along the Forth and Clyde Canal to Glasgow. This vessel, the first tow boat, has been called the "first practical steamboat", and the first to be followed by continuous development of steamboats. Although plans to introduce boats on the Forth and Clyde canal were thwarted by fears of erosion of the banks, development was taken up both in United Kingdom/Britain and abroad.

Robert Fulton, who may have become interested in steamboats when he visited William Henry in 1777 (at the age of 12), visited Britain and France where he built and tested an experimental steamboat on the River Seine in 1803, and was aware of the success of the Charlotte Dundas. Before returning to the United States of America/United States he ordered a ''Watt steam engine/Boulton and Watt steam engine'', and on return built the ''North River Steamboat'' (often called the "PS Clermont/Clermont"). In 1807 this steamboat began a regular passenger boat service between New York and Clermont, New York/Clermont, 240 km (150 miles) distant, which was a commercial success.

In Scotland the ideas of the ''Charlotte Dundas'' were taken up by Henry Bell, and in 1812 the PS Comet/Comet began a passenger steamboat service on the River Clyde between Glasgow and Greenock. This was the first commercially successful service in Europe.

River steamboats
As William Henry (delegate)/William Henry and John Fitch had foreseen, steamboats on the major American rivers soon followed Fulton's success. For most of the 19th century and part of the early 20th century, trade on the Mississippi River would be dominated by paddle-wheel steamboats, very few of which survive to the present day, most destroyed by boiler explosions or fires. One of the few surviving Mississippi sternwheelers from this period, ''Julius C. Wilkie'', is preserved as a museum ship at Winona, Minnesota. For modern craft operated on rivers, see the riverboat article.

Incidentally, the cartoon ''Steamboat Willie'' introduced steamboat pilot Mickey Mouse to the public.

Lake, loch, estuary and sea-going steamers
Image:PS Waverley off Greenock 1994.jpg/thumb/right/240px/Paddle steamer PS Waverley steaming down the Firth of Clyde.
Image:TS Queen Mary 1981.jpg/thumb/right/240px/Turbine steamer TS Queen Mary.
Henry Bell's ''Comet'' started a rapid expansion of steam services on the Firth of Clyde, and within four years a steamer service was in operation on the inland Loch Lomond, a forerunner of the lake steamers that still grace the Switzerland/Swiss lakes. Today the 1900 steamer SS Sir Walter Scott still sails on Loch Katrine, while on Loch Lomond the PS Maid of the Loch is being restored.

On the Clyde itself, within ten years of the ''Comet's'' start there were nearly fifty steamers, and services had started across the Irish Sea to Belfast. By 1900 there were over 300 Clyde steamers.
The paddle steamer Waverley, built in 1947, is the last survivor of these fleets, and the last sea-going paddle steamer in the world. This ship sails a full season of cruises every year from places around United Kingdom/Britain, and has sailed across the English Channel for a visit to commemorate the sinking of her predecessor of 1899 at the Battle of Dunkirk.

People have had a particular affection for the Clyde puffers, small steam freighters on a traditional design developed to use the Scottish canals and to serve the Highlands and Islands. They were immortalised by the tales of Para Handy's boat The Vital Spark by Neil Munro and by the film The Maggie, and a small number are being conserved to continue in steam around the west highland sea lochs.

The Clyde sludge boats had a tradition of occasionally taking passengers on their trips from Glasgow, past the Isle of Arran, down the Firth of Clyde, and one has emerged from retirement as ''"SS Shieldhall, Steam powered General Cargo-Passenger Steamer available for Trips in the Solent"'' offering outings from Southampton, England with views of the two triple expansion engines.

Built in 1856, ''Skibladner/P.S. Skibladner'' is the oldest steamship still in operation, serving towns along lake Mjøsa in Norway.

Ocean steamships
The side-wheel paddle steamer SS Great Western was the first purpose-built steamship to initiate regularly scheduled trans-Atlantic crossings, starting in 1838. The first regular steamship service from the west to the east coast of the United States began on February 28, 1849 with the arrival of the SS California/SS ''California'' in San Francisco Bay. The ''California'' left New York Harbor on October 6, 1848, rounded Cape Horn at the tip of South America, and arrived at San Francisco, California after the 4-month, 21-day journey.

By 1870, a number of inventions, such as the screw propeller and the steam turbine made trans-oceanic shipping economically viable. This began the earliest era of globalization where trade around the world became cheap and safe.

Image:Titanic-2 April 1912.gif/right/thumb/240px/RMS ''Titanic''The RMS Titanic was the largest steamship in the world when it sank in 1912. Launched in 1938, the RMS Queen Elizabeth was the largest passenger steamship ever built. Launched in 1969, the RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) was the last passenger steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean before it was converted to diesel engines in 1986.

The SS Explorer is the last remaining steam trawler in Britain. She was built in Aberdeen, including the last steam engine built there, and was launched in 1955 as a fishery research vessel. Accommodation was provided for researchers, including a computer cabin. Currently she is berthed at Edinburgh Dock, Leith, by Edinburgh, and the subject of a restoration project.

The turbine steamship Royal Yacht Britannia, now retired from service, is berthed nearby at ''Ocean Terminal'', Leith.

External links

* Clyde Pleasure Steamers - Ian McCrorie, Orr, Pollock & Co. Ltd., Greenock, ISBN 1-869850-00-9

Tag: Boat types
Tag: Ship types
Tag: Water transport

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